Monday, August 18, 2008

Zachary's First Haircut!

Hello! So many of our friends and family have blogs, and I loved being able to see all of their pictures and hearing how they were doing, so I thought it would be fun to start one for our little family too! These pictures are from a few weeks back...but I need start somewhere right? Zach's hair was getting so long, so we gave him a haircut. He handled it pretty well at first, but eventually Duane had to hold him in a head lock to get the sides! It was funny actuallly. Poor kid. Zachary is ten months old now; he's cruising around furniture and walking with help. He has six teeth and he waves and claps and dances (video to come--hopefully); he says "da da" and "ma ma" and various other crazy noises too. He gets more fun every day.


The Hurd Herd said...

He is so cute! Duane is brave to cut his hair and you are brave to let him! It turned out really cute!

Unknown said...

Hiya Courtney!!!! Your famil is sooooo adorable! Im glad to hear
that yall are doing great. Emma, Taya and I are doing well. Emma starts kindergarten this year. Time flies by so enjoy every moment you have!!;) THank You for inviting us to your blog. We'll talk soon. Love Ya, Andrea, Emma, and Taya